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Newman Catholic Schools Fosters Disciples of Christ Through Catholic Faith, Service and Academics

NCES: St. Anne - October Reminders

NCES: St. Anne - October Reminders

Newman Catholic Elementary School: St. Anne

From the Desk of Mr. Feidt

Good Afternoon,

Please remember this is NO SCHOOL tomorrow October 4th.

Also, Monday October 7th there will be a home and school meeting at 6:30 in the meeting rooms. Agenda is below.

This week I have talked to all students about drawing on bathroom stalls. Parents please remind students that it is never okay to draw, etch, or damage bathroom stall doors or walls.

We have also talked about the difference between telling someone versus tattling on someone. See something, say something.

Homecoming Week Kicks off October 7th-11th (See dress up days Below)

  • Monday, October 7th: Comfy Day (no pj's please)
  • Tuesday, October 8th: Wisconsin Teams Day
  • Wednesday, October 9th: Hat Day after all systems Mass
  • Thursday, October 10th: Rainbow Day (K: Red; 1st: Orange; 2nd: Yellow; 3rd: Blue; 4th: Green; 5th: Violet)
  • Friday, October 11th: Spirit Day (Varsity Players will be visiting)

Thank you for all you do to help support our school and church community.

If you have any questions please let me know.


God Bless

Mr. Feidt

NCES: St. Anne Principal