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Newman Catholic Schools Fosters Disciples of Christ Through Catholic Faith, Service and Academics

NCES: St. Anne - Thanksgiving Baskets

NCES: St. Anne - Thanksgiving Baskets

Newman Catholic Elementary School: St. Anne

From the Desk of Mr. Feidt


Dear Families, November 1, 2024

Religious education is a primary goal for Newman Catholic School: St. Anne. We often stress how important it is that the students put their faith into action by sharing their time, talents and treasures. Service projects and mission awareness are an important component of the religion program in our school. Opportunities for providing assistance to the needy abound in our school community.

Each year during the Thanksgiving Season, our children assist needy families of the Wausau community by bringing items to fill Thanksgiving baskets. Please help us by reinforcing to your children about how important it is for us, as Christians, to help others.

Below is a list of personal hygiene and household necessities, we are asking that you consider donating. Please do not send food items. They will be purchased by the parish.

  • toothbrushes (single, double, triple pack maximum; (cannot divide larger packs up)
  • toothpaste
  • bar soap
  • pump hand soap
  • shampoo and/or conditioner

We will collect items until Monday, November 16th. It is our hope that your generosity will reflect our genuine concern for those among us who are in need.

Thank you for your generosity and support!


God Bless,



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Newman Catholic Schools fosters disciples of Christ through Catholic faith, service and academics.

Newman Catholic Schools | 715.845.5754 | 604 N. 6th Ave., Wausau, WI 54401

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