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Newman Catholic Schools Fosters Disciples of Christ Through Catholic Faith, Service and Academics

NCES: St. Anne - Dates to Remember

NCES: St. Anne - Dates to Remember

Newman Catholic Elementary School: St. Anne

From the Desk of Mr. Feidt

Hello NCES: St. Anne Families,

I hope this email finds you well. You will find within this newsletter some important upcoming dates for the remainder of October and dates throughout November.


October 23rd: Leaf Raking for Grades 3,4, & 5

October 24th & 25th: No school for students

October 30th: No School Mass

November 1st: 8:15 a.m. All Saints Liturgy (Saints March at 8:00 a.m.)

November 1st: K-5 First Quarter Report Cards Go Home 

November 6th: 8:15 a.m. School Liturgy

November 8th: Veterans Day Ceremony at 2 PM in the Gym

November 13th: 8:15 a.m. School Liturgy

November 14th: 4th and 5th Grade Retreat

November 14th: K-5th Grade Parent-Teacher Conferences (sign-ups coming in weekly forecasts)

November 16th: NCS Winter Wonderland Auction

November 19th: K-5th Grade Parent-Teacher Conferences (sign-ups coming in weekly forecasts)

November 20th: 8:15 A.M. School Liturgy

November 27th-29th: NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Holiday


In other news, we are currently looking for a first-grade teacher. If you know anyone interested in teaching, please have them reach out to me. Also, I am pleased to announce that our school counselor will be starting on October 23rd. Please welcome Michelle Bradshaw to our school community.

Thank you for your continued support as we continue growing as a school community.

Mr. Feidt

NCES: St. Anne Principal



Newman Catholic Schools fosters disciples of Christ through Catholic faith, service and academics.


Newman Catholic Schools | 715.845.5754 | 604 N. 6th Ave., Wausau, WI 54401

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