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Newman Catholic Schools Fosters Disciples of Christ Through Catholic Faith, Service and Academics

BRING IT! The Cardinal Character

BRING IT! The Cardinal Character

Newman Catholic Schools will continue their focus on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) throughout the 2023-2024 school year.  SEL is defined as the process through which individuals learn and apply a set of social, emotional and related skills, attitudes, behaviors and values that help direct students.  This includes thoughts, feelings, and actions in ways that enable students to succeed in school.  At the systems "welcome back in-service" all staff were provided with an interactive introduction to SEL.  The focus of the in-service centered around identifying what SEL is, understanding ourselves deeper and confusing on relationships.


The process of SEL is done by giving students experiences and opportunities to apply skills versus simply fiving them consequences for actions.  As students demonstrate the given skills, staff can acknowledge and promote positive actions and behaviours.  This builds intrinsic motivation. 


Newman Catholic Schools has organized an SEL committee with members from each school.  The committee will utilize data trends, survey results and anecdotal data to determine next steps.  Staff members will continue to engage in training of different strategies to implement throughout their classrooms and school environments.  Members of this committee include: Caleb Feidt, Autumn Cleremon, Gloria Baecker, Paul Michlig, and Karen Blum. 


All NCS schools will be utilizing Cardinal Characters.  This will help staff, students, and families to focus on specific attributes that are easy to follow and remember.