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Newman Catholic Schools Fosters Disciples of Christ Through Catholic Faith, Service and Academics

Strategic Plan

First page of the PDF file: NewmanStrategicPlan2021-2026

Dear Newman Family,

We are excited and honored to present Called and Chosen 2021-2026, a Strategic Plan for Newman Catholic Schools that we have prepared in conjunction with the canonization of our system patron, St. John Henry Newman. Our vision for the future has been prayerfully and thoughtfully considered, resulting in a comprehensive five-year plan that preserves and builds on our legacy of educating a community of believers, learners, and friends in the Catholic education tradition, while presenting a forward-thinking vision for the future. This endeavor, chaired by Mr. Rick Svennes and guided by our former President, Mike Martin, sought the input of the entire Newman community at all levels, from our newest families to our oldest alumni, along with our faculty, staff, pastors and their pastoral councils, the Newman Catholic Schools Education Commission, the Diocese of La Crosse, and friends of Newman Catholic Schools to envision the goals we need to accomplish as the Newman Catholic Schools of tomorrow.

We are grateful to Bishop William P. Callahan, to all of the Wausau Deanery pastors and associate pastors, their supporting parishioners, to the Newman Catholic Schools Education Commission and to the entire Newman Catholic Schools family. In a particular way, we want to thank the members of the Steering Committee, the domain members, our consultants and facilitators from Partners in Mission, and to all who attended the weekend retreat. This endeavor could not have moved forward without the commitment of many dedicated individuals who elected to accept the call to give of their time and abilities towards strengthening Catholic education in Wausau. 

Newman Catholic Schools continues to be blessed by many who give so generously of their time, talent, and treasure. We hope that past, present, and future members of our community will read this plan and identify areas where you can add to our adventure in excellence. We have a shared obligation to give of ourselves in order to help achieve the many goals we set forth here. We remain committed to partnering with each of you to bring this plan to fruition. May we continue to join our families, parishes, and the Diocese of La Crosse to work together as believers, learners, and friends as we are all Called and Chosen in our community.

Click to View the NCS Strategic Plan