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Newman Catholic Schools Fosters Disciples of Christ Through Catholic Faith, Service and Academics


Wisconsin Religious and Independent Schools Accreditation (WRISA)

Newman Catholic Schools is accredited by Wisconsin Religious and Independent Schools Accreditation (WRISA).  WRISA is a nonprofit organization formed in 1991 by the Wisconsin Council of Religious and Independent Schools (WCRIS) to provide non-public schools with an ongoing school improvement process.  WRISA's three phase accreditation process provides school communities with the opportunity to explore every aspect of their school program, receive valuable feedback from a team of impartial professional educators, and develop a long range plan using the WRISA framework.

Wisconsin Religious and Independent Schools Accreditation

Schools that receive accreditation are evaluated according to the following standards:


Newman Catholic Licensed Child Care Programs are YoungStar rated through Wisconsin's Department of Children and Families (DCF). YoungStar is Wisconsin's child care quality rating and improvement system. YoungStar is designed to help Wisconsin's child care providers be as successful as possible. The 5 Star rating system gives providers an objective measure of program quality. It rewards excellence and offers programs a clear and continuous path to improvement.

To learn more about the youngstar Rating process visit their website

Young Star Wisconsin's Child Care Quality Rating & Improvement System